No. 06-03
Moran, E.F., R.T. Adams, B.Bakoyema, S. Fiorini, and B. Boucek. 2006. Human Strategies for Coping with El Niño Related Drought in Amazônia. Climatic Change 77: 343-361.
No. 06-04
Moran, E. 2006. The Human-Environment Nexus: Progress in the Past Decade in the Integrated Analysis of Human and Biophysical Factors. The World System and the Earth System: Global Socioenvironmental Change and Sustainability Since the Neolithic. A. Hornborg and C. Crumley, (eds.). Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press. Pp. 231-242.
No. 06-09
Menzies, J., R. Jensen, E. S. Brondizio, E.F. Moran, and P. Mausel. 2006. Accuracy of Neural Network and Regression Leaf Area Estimators for the Amazon Basin. GIScience & Remote Sensing 43(4):1-11.
No. 06-10
Geist, H., W. McConnell, E.F. Lambin, E.F. Moran, D. Alves, and T. Rudel. 2006. Causes and Trajectories of Land-Use/Cover Change. In: Land-Use and Land-Cover Change: Local Processes and Global Impacts. E.F. Lambin and H. Geist (eds.) Berlin: Springer. Pp.41-70.