No. 04-01
Boucek, B. and E.F. Moran. 2004. Inferring the behavior of households from remotely sensed changes in land cover: Current Methods and Future Directions. Spatially Integrated Social Science. M.F. Goodchild and D.G. Janelle (eds.). Oxford University Press, New York. Pp. 23-47.
No. 04-02
Lu, D., M. Batistella, and E.F. Moran. 2004. Multitemporal Spectral Mixture Analysis for Amazonian Land-cover Change Detection. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 30(1): 87-100.
No. 04-03
Lu, D., P. Mausel, E. Brondizio, and E.F. Moran. 2004. Change Detection Techniques. International Journal of Remote Sensing 25(12): 2365-2407.
No. 04-04
Lu, D., P. Mausel, M. Batistella, and E.F. Moran. 2004. Comparison of land-cover classification methods in the Brazilian Amazon basin. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 70(6): 723-731.
No. 04-05
Lu, D., P. Mausel, E. Brondizio, and E.F. Moran. 2004. Relationships between forest stand parameters and landsat TM spectral responses in the Brazilian Amazon basin. Forest Ecology and Management 198:149-167.
No. 04-06
Moran, E.F. 2004. Challenge of Scalability. The Archaeology of Global Change: The Impact of Humans on their Environment. C.L. Redman, S.R. James, P.R. Fish, J.D. Rodgers (eds). Smithsonian Books, Washington D.C. Pp. 278-284.
No. 04-07
Wessels, K.J., R.S. De Fries, J. Dempewolf, L.O. Anderson, A.J. Hansen, S.L. Powell, and E.F. Moran. 2004. Mapping regional land cover with MODIS data for biological conservation: examples from the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, USA, and Pará State, Brazil. Remote Sensing of Environment 92:67-83.
No. 04-08
Deadman, P., D. Robinson, E.F. Moran and E.S. Brondizio. 2004. Colonist household decision making and land-use change in the Amazon Rainforest: an agent-based simulation. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 31: 693-709.
No. 04-09
Lu, D., P. Mausel, M. Batistella, and E.F. Moran. 2004. Application of spectral mixture analysis to Amazonian land-use and land-cover classification. International Journal of Remote Sensing 25(23): 5345-5358.
No. 04-10
Moran, E.F., D. Skole, and B.L. Turner II. 2004. The development of the international Land-Use and Land-Cover Change (LUCC) Research Program and its links to NASA's Land Cover and Land Use Change (LCLUC) Initiative. In: Land Change Science: Observing Monitoring, and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth's Surface. Series: Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing. Vol. 6. G. Gutman, et al. (eds). Kluwer: Boston. Pp. 1-16.
No. 04-11
Rindfuss, R.R., S. Walsh, B.L. Turner II, E.F. Moran, and B. Entwisle. 2004. Linking Pixels and People. Series: Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing. In: Land Change Science: Observing Monitoring, and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth's Surface. Series: Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing. Vol. 6. G. Gutman, et al. (eds). Kluwer: Boston. Pp. 379-394.
No. 04-12
Mustard, J.F., R.S. DeFries, T. Fisher, and E.F. Moran. 2004. Land-Use and Land-Cover Change Pathways and Impacts. Series: Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing. In: Land Change Science: Observing Monitoring, and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth's Surface. Series: Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing. Vol. 6. G. Gutman, et al. (eds). Kluwer: Boston. Pp. 411-430.
No. 04-13
Turner, B.L. II, E.F. Moran, and R.R. Rindfuss. 2004. Integrated Land-Change Science and its Relevance to the Human Sciences. In: Land Change Science: Observing Monitoring, and Understanding Trajectories of Change on the Earth's Surface. Series: Remote Sensing and Digital Image Processing. Vol. 6. G. Gutman, et al. (eds). Kluwer: Boston. Pp. 431-448.