No. 00-01
Moran, E.F. 2000. Theory and Practice in Environmental Anthropology. In The Unity of Theory and Practice in Anthropology: Rebuilding a Fractured Synthesis. C.E. Hill and M. L. Baba (eds.) Arlington, VA. (NAPA Bulletin 18: 132-146).
No. 00-02
Moran, E.F., E.S. Brondizio, J. Tucker, M.C. Silva-Forsberg, I. Falesi, and S. McCracken. 2000. Strategies for Amazonian Forest Restoration: Evidence for Afforestation in Five Regions of the Brazilian Amazon. A. Hill (ed.). London. In Amazonia at the Crossroads (pp. 129-149).
No. 00-03
Walker, R., E. Moran, and L. Anselin. 2000. Deforestation and Cattle Ranching in the Brazilian Amazon: External Capital and Household Processes. World Development 28(4): 683-699.
No. 00-04
Moran, E.F., E.S. Brondizio, J.M. Tucker, M.C. Silva-Forsberg, S. McCracken, and I. Falesi. 2000. Effects of soil fertility and land-use on forest succession in Amazônia. Forest Ecology and Management 139: 93-108.
No. 00-05
Batistella, M., E. Brondizio, and E. Moran. 2000. Comparative Analysis of Landscape Fragmentation in Rondonia, Brazilian Amazon. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Vol XXXIII, Part B7. Pp. 148-155. Amsterdam.