Guo Chen, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Geography & Global Urban Studies
Michigan State University
Ph.D., Geography, Pennsylvania State University
M.S. & B.S., Nanjing University
Teaching for engaged learning is integral to my scholarship. Critical engagement with simulation games, documentaries, and various types of visuals has been extensively used in my courses. Students have created remarkable works including posters with maps, infographics, and photo documentaries, some of which are showcased on respective course websites. Students in my Honors Research Seminar have won awards for their research projects.
Courses at MSU
GEO813: Seminar in Urban and Economic Geography (Rated 1.0 Highest Score; 1 strongly agree)
GUSP/GEO817: China and Globalization (Rated 1.0 Highest Score)
UGS 200H: Honors Research Seminar on Global Slums, Migration, and Inequality
GEO492: Geographic Research Problems: Inequality and Poverty
GEO480: Geography Senior Seminar: History, Philosophy and Methodology in Geography (Rated 1.5)
GEO337: Geography of Asia-Pacific (Rated 1.2 High Score; Asian Studies Minor Exit Course & APA Studies Minor Course)
GEO113: Introduction to Economic Geography (Small, Large, & Honors; Rated 1.5)
ISS315: Global Diversity and Interdependence (Small & Honors, Rated 1.3 High Score)
ISS310: People and Environment ISS320: World Urban Systems
Taught Economic Geography and Global Economy as graduate instructor
Fall 2023 & Spring 2024
“Guo Chen was extremely helpful.”
“The lectures and activities were very helpful.”
“The PowerPoint presentations were well put together, and the length of class time was nice.”
“Projects & Homework assignments” helped support learning.
“The Professor was great…”
“Professor Chen is very intellectual and knows the information well...”
“It was intriguing…”
“The…formatting made it easier on my disability.”
“In class discussions, documentary videos…homework assignments” helped support learning.
“The classroom environment for group discussions were supportive.”
“I have thoroughly enjoyed the course…”
Fall 2024 Student Perspectives
“Video documentaries” “Open learning environment” “slides were very helpful, along with the videos and documentaries we watched” “I liked all that she was able to teach us…very nice and I was happy to take the course” “Different parts of Asia were being focused and better understood the problems that each country faced” “enjoyed the course and learned quite a bit”
(Due to switching evaluation system, many comments/praises verbally expressed were not being included here.)