E-MAIL: guochen(at)msu.edu

Pronouns: she/her/hers

2022–2023: Lilly Fellowship

Fall 2018: Sabbatical Leave

Fall 2018: Short-Term Visiting Scholar, University of Melbourne

2017–2018: Wilson Center Fellowship Leave



Affiliated Faculty, Asian Studies Center, International Studies & Programs

Affiliated Faculty, Environmental Science and Policy Program (ESPP)

Core Faculty, Asian Pacific American (APA) Studies Program

Associated Faculty, Gender, Justice and Environmental Change (GJEC)

Consulting Faculty, Center for Gender in Global Context (GenCen)



-2025 AAG Detroit Plenary and Panels

-2025 APA Studies Program Symposium & 20th Anniversary!

-Guo’s opening for 2025 Women of Color Community Conference at MSU (Read MSU Today link and news copy)

-How to Foster Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in Geography: Theory, Praxis, and Shaping our Future (E Elgar 2024) is published! 

-Guo received 2024 Outstanding Women of Color Award

-Guo named inaugural Editor in Human Geography/Nature and Society of The Professional Geographer 2023 (Read AAG news)

-Dr. Guo Chen receives GenCen Inspiration Award-Professional Achievement Award 2023/4 (Read Department news / GenCen news

-New Focus (Special Issue) on Hidden Geographies published in The Professional Geographer 2023! Check out the Introduction Essay and all six articles in the issue

-Call for papers to Special Issue on Global Social Environmental Justice (link and flyer) 2023

-Enacting Inclusive Futures: APA Studies Symposium 2022/3/18

-Guo Featured in AAG Women in Geography Webinar: Thriving and Advancing in a Male Dominated Field 2022/3/15

-SWIG Event: Neurodiversity and Space (with resources) 2022/3/4

-SWIG Roundtable & Talk: Afghanistan: Security, Gender, and Development 2021/10/28-29

-Honors Research Seminar on Global Slums;  UURAF award-winning undergrad research Fall 2021–Spring 2022

-AAG virtual panel on anti-racist praxis in Geography and AAG virtual panel on migration, race, ethnicity, & justice, both organized by Guo; Guo penned inaugural AAG-Perspectives article 2021/4/29

-Guo received the CGSG Outstanding Service Award in 2020; AAG newsletter 2020

-Guo as faculty organizer of Anti-Asian Racism & Covid-19 webinar 2020



Human Geography/Nature and Society

Urban & Economic Geography

Poverty, Inequality, & Social and Environmental Justice

Slums, Housing,  & Migrants

Urbanization & Environment

Land use, city-regions, & urban and regional governance

Waste Geographies

Urban Resilience

Mixed, Quantitative, Qualitative, & Creative Research Methods

China & Globalization

Global South, Asia-Pacific, & Emerging Countries

Geography and DEIJ

Asian/Asian American Geographies

Guo Chen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Geography & Global Urban Studies

Michigan State University

Ph.D., Geography, Pennsylvania State University

M.S. & B.S., Nanjing University

Selected Grants, Honors, Awards, and Distinctions  (* competition)


Elected At-Large Member, MSU Steering Committee, 2024–2026

MSU Outstanding Women of Color Award – Trailblazer Award, Women of Color Community Committee, MSU, 2024

MSU GenCen Inspiration Award – Professional Achievement Award, Center for Gender in Global Context, MSU, 2023

Elected Representative /Senator for College of Social Science, MSU Faculty Senate /University Council, 2023–2025

Finalist, Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award (EDEIA), Michigan State University, 2023

Nominee of Undergraduate Research Mentors of the Year Award (nominated by undergraduate researchers and selected by undergraduate research ambassadors), MSU Undergraduate Research Office, 2023

Selected Candidate for Election, Steering Committee, MSU Faculty Senate/University Council, 2023


Nominee & Selected Candidate for Election, National Councilor, American Association of Geographers (AAG), 2022–23

University Lilly Fellow, MSU, 2022–23*


Asian Studies Dr. Delia Koo Global Faculty Endowment Awards, MSU, 2020, 2021*

Honors College Undergraduate Research Seminar Grant Award, MSU, 2021*

American Association of Geographers–China Geography Specialty Group Outstanding Service Award, 2020


The Woodrow Wilson Center Fellowship Award, The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (Wilson Center), Washington DC, 2017-18*

MSU Humanities and Arts Research Program (HARP)-Production Award, 2017-19 (PI)*

MSU Discretionary Funding Initiative Award, ““Documenting the Fairness Geography: Poverty, Inequality, and Socio-Environmental Justice in China’s Mega-Cities and Underdeveloped Areas,” 2015–17 (PI)*

The National Geographic Society (NGS) Research and Exploration Grant, “The 'Hidden' Geography of Slums: A Geographic and Visual Exploration,” National Geographic Society, 2014–16 (PI)*


The National Science Foundation (NSF)–DDRI Grant, “China’s Emerging Slums During Urban Expansion,” 2012–13 (PI)*

The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Grant, “Spatial Planning and Region-Building Research based on Competitive Regionalism: The Case of Yangtze River Delta,” 2011-13 (Co-PI)*

MSU College of Social Science –Integrative Studies in Social Science (ISS) Teaching Excellence Award, MSU, 2010

MSU CASID International Development Grant Program (IDGP), “Urban Expansion and Inequality in China,” MSU, 2010–11 (PI)*

MSU Intramural Research Grants Program (IRGP)-New Faculty Grant, “Urban Expansion and Inequalities: Cases of Emerging City-regions in Coastal China,” MSU, 2008-11 (PI)*

Selected earlier awards

American Association of Geographers–Economic Geography Specialty Group Best Graduate Student Paper Abstract/Travel Award (for Global Conference on Economic Geography)*

UCRN Small Grant Award & Travel Grant, “A Case Study of Urban Low-Income Households and Migrant Households in Nanjing City, China,” Mellon Foundation-funded Urban China Research Network (PI)*

E. Willard Miller Award (First Place in Ph.D. Paper Competition), Penn State University*

Ronald F. Abler Award in Geography; Erickson Academic Enrichment Award; and many other awards, Department of Geography, Penn State University

University Graduate Fellowship Award, Penn State University

Anne C. Wilson College Graduate Research Award, Penn State University

Top-of-Class Honor, Laurence J.C. Ma Scholarship in Urban Geography & many other prestigious scholarship awards and undergrad and graduate thesis awards, NJU*