E-MAIL: guochen(at)msu.edu

Pronouns: she/her/hers

2022–2023: Lilly Fellowship

Fall 2018: Sabbatical Leave

Fall 2018: Short-Term Visiting Scholar, University of Melbourne

2017–2018: Wilson Center Fellowship Leave



Affiliated Faculty, Asian Studies Center, International Studies & Programs

Affiliated Faculty, Environmental Science and Policy Program (ESPP)

Core Faculty, Asian Pacific American (APA) Studies Program

Associated Faculty, Gender, Justice and Environmental Change (GJEC)

Consulting Faculty, Center for Gender in Global Context (GenCen)



-2025 AAG Detroit Plenary and Panels

-2025 APA Studies Program Symposium & 20th Anniversary!

-Guo’s opening for 2025 Women of Color Community Conference at MSU (Read MSU Today link and news copy)

-How to Foster Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice in Geography: Theory, Praxis, and Shaping our Future (E Elgar 2024) is published! 

-Guo received 2024 Outstanding Women of Color Award

-Guo named inaugural Editor in Human Geography/Nature and Society of The Professional Geographer 2023 (Read AAG news)

-Dr. Guo Chen receives GenCen Inspiration Award-Professional Achievement Award 2023/4 (Read Department news / GenCen news

-New Focus (Special Issue) on Hidden Geographies published in The Professional Geographer 2023! Check out the Introduction Essay and all six articles in the issue

-Call for papers to Special Issue on Global Social Environmental Justice (link and flyer) 2023

-Enacting Inclusive Futures: APA Studies Symposium 2022/3/18

-Guo Featured in AAG Women in Geography Webinar: Thriving and Advancing in a Male Dominated Field 2022/3/15

-SWIG Event: Neurodiversity and Space (with resources) 2022/3/4

-SWIG Roundtable & Talk: Afghanistan: Security, Gender, and Development 2021/10/28-29

-Honors Research Seminar on Global Slums;  UURAF award-winning undergrad research Fall 2021–Spring 2022

-AAG virtual panel on anti-racist praxis in Geography and AAG virtual panel on migration, race, ethnicity, & justice, both organized by Guo; Guo penned inaugural AAG-Perspectives article 2021/4/29

-Guo received the CGSG Outstanding Service Award in 2020; AAG newsletter 2020

-Guo as faculty organizer of Anti-Asian Racism & Covid-19 webinar 2020



Human Geography/Nature and Society

Urban & Economic Geography

Poverty, Inequality, & Social and Environmental Justice

Slums, Housing,  & Migrants

Urbanization & Environment

Land use, city-regions, & urban and regional governance

Waste Geographies

Urban Resilience

Mixed, Quantitative, Qualitative, & Creative Research Methods

China & Globalization

Global South, Asia-Pacific, & Emerging Countries

Geography and DEIJ

Asian/Asian American Geographies

Guo Chen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Geography & Global Urban Studies

Michigan State University

Ph.D., Geography, Pennsylvania State University

M.S. & B.S., Nanjing University

Teaching for engaged learning is integral to my scholarship. Critical engagement with simulation games, documentaries, and various types of visuals has been extensively used in my courses. Students have created remarkable works including posters with maps, infographics, and photo documentaries, some of which are showcased on respective course websites.  Students in my Honors Research Seminar have won awards for their research projects.

Courses at MSU

GEO813: Seminar in Urban and Economic Geography (Rated 1.0 Highest Score; 1 strongly agree)

GUSP/GEO817: China and Globalization (Rated 1.0 Highest Score)

UGS 200H: Honors Research Seminar on Global Slums, Migration, and Inequality

GEO492: Geographic Research Problems: Inequality and Poverty

GEO480: Geography Senior Seminar: History, Philosophy and Methodology in Geography (Rated 1.5)

GEO413: Urban Geography 

GEO337: Geography of Asia-Pacific (Rated 1.2 High Score; Asian Studies Minor Exit Course & APA Studies Minor Course)

GEO113: Introduction to Economic Geography (Small, Large, & Honors; Rated 1.5)

ISS315: Global Diversity and Interdependence (Small & Honors, Rated 1.3 High Score)

ISS310: People and Environment        ISS320: World Urban Systems

Taught Economic Geography and Global Economy as graduate instructor

Spring 2023

“It was a really fascinating course! “

“The content of the lectures was interesting”

“This course was great!! I learned so much, and am excited to apply what I learned in my future research.”

“Professor Chen is a very nice person. She was especially kind to myself and my peers after Feb. 13. She was willing to make online accommodations for those of us who weren't ready to return in-person yet…”

“I wanted to say that I really enjoyed your course. Any course that encourages me to look at the world around me with new insight is a course that I especially like. While I'm at MSU for my degree, life skills and an ability to understand the world around me are truly the best education I could receive. Thank you for everything.”

“Thank you very much for …Professor Chen, it means a lot to me and I appreciate what you do for our class so much.”

“I just wanted to say thank you for this … It's extremely appreciated and I'm very thankful.“

“In general, you've been so incredibly kind to this class, reaching a level that not many professors do -- even lately. I just want you to know that it does have an impact, at least on me, and I always leave your class not only feeling better -- but a little kinder. Anyways, thank you for caring about us.”

“Thank you for your kind words and understanding in our two classes this week, it really means a lot and we will all get through these tough times together.”

“Your concern for your students is a bright spot in a dark time. Thank you again!”

“I am amazed at your kind gesture…put such a bright smile on my face during an otherwise upsetting recent few weeks. I cannot thank you enough for your generosity. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I appreciate how much you care about my classmates and me. It really helps us as we grieve during this time. Thank you for your kindness.”