Bruce Wm. Pigozzi

Department of Geography

Michigan State University, Geography Building

673 Auditorium Rd, Room 232

East Lansing, Michigan U.S.A. 48824

Office Telephone: (517) 355-4652

Email: see University Directory

Research Interests

My current and recent research interests have evolved from my foundations in Economic, Transportation and Urban Geography. The primary theme through most of my efforts is Regional Economic Impact Analysis. From this theme my interest proceed to related theory as well as to applications. Therefore, my interests also include Regional Economic Base and Input-Output analyses as well as Urban and Regional Planning and Development. Within this context, I have found employment data very relevant and available, and in turn, this has led to interests which often focus upon the Geography of Employment. Recent expansions of these topics into questions of equity and diversity have been manifest in work on micromarginality and property tax assessment. Overall, I have incorporated research at various scales from national level using states as units through the urban scale with individual real estate properties as the units. Throughout these I maintain an interest in related Quantitative Methods.


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