Jeffrey A. Andresen |
Associate Professor
Department of Geography
Telephone:(517) 432-4756
Professional Experience:
Professional Affiliations:
Courses Taught:
Selected Publications:
Winkler, J.A. , J.P. Palutikof, J.A. Andresen, and C.M.
Goodess, 1997. The simulation of daily temperature time series from GCM
output, Part II: Sensitivity analysis of an empirical transfer function
methodology. Journal of Climate, in press.
Palutikof, J.P. Winkler, J.A., C.M. Goodess, and J.A.
Andresen, 1997. The simulation of daily temperature time series from GCM
output, Part I: Comparison of model data with observations. Journal of
Climate, in press.
Andresen, J.A . ,J.A. Winkler, J.P. Palutikof, and C.M.
Goodess, 1995. Local Climatic Change Scenarios of Maximum and Minimum Temperature
in Michigan. Proc. From 1st SE Michigan Chapter of Am. Met. Soc. Symposium
on Michigan Weather and Forecasting, Ann Arbor, MI.
Andresen, J.A. Hesterman, O.B., D. D. Harpstead, F.V. Nurnberger, and M.L. Nagelkirk, 1994. Using Climatological Information for Corn Hybrid Selection in Michigan. Michigan Cooperative Extension Service Bulletin E-2471.
Andresen, J.A. and B.R. Kriegel, 1994. Weather and Integrated
Pest Management. IPM Report 3:2. Michigan State University Pesticide Research
Center, East Lansing, MI.
Andresen, J.A. and J.R. Harman, 1994. Springtime Freezes
in Western Lower Michigan: Climatology and Trends. Michigan State University
Agricultural Experiment Station Research Report 536, East Lansing, MI.
Stefanski, R.J., and J.A. Andresen, 1991: Development
and Analysis of Climate Scenario Statistics for Several Sites Throughout
the U.S. Cornbelt. Proc. 7th Conf. on Applied Climatology, pp 43-46. Am.
Meteorological Society, Boston, MA.
Andresen, J.A., and R.J. Stefanski, 1991: Use of Climate
Scenario Statistics in Development of Growing Season Corn Yield Estimates
in the U.S. Cornbelt. Proc. 20th Conf. on Agric. and Forest Met., pp 98-101.
Am. Meteorological Society, Boston, MA.
Gallo, K.P., Andresen, J.A., C.S.T. Daughtry, 1990 : Combining Satellite, Meteorological, and Geographic Information for Monitoring Crop and Climatic Conditions in the Midwest United States. Proc. State of Indiana Geographic Information System Conf.pp 54-63, Nov.15-16, 1990, Indianapolis, IN.
Andresen, J.A., R.F. Dale, J.J.Fletcher, and P.V. Preckel,
1989: Prediction of County-Level Corn Yields Using an Energy-Crop Growth
Index. J. Climate. 2: 48-56.
Andresen, J.A. and R.F. Dale, 1986: Climatic Data Bases. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 95:503- 512.
Andresen, J.A. and K.T. Paw U, 1985: Modeling of Sulfur
Dioxide Emissions and Acidic Precipitation at Mesoscale Distances. J.
Air Pollution Control Assoc. 35(11): 1159-1163.
Andresen, J.A. , W.W. McFee, J.L. Ahlrichs. and K.T. Paw
U, 1985. Wet Atmospheric Deposition in Indiana. Proc. Ind. Acad.. Sci.
94: 521-527.
Grants (extramural):
Michigan Department of Agriculture, "Improving Michigan's
Annual Irrigation Water Use Assessment Through Simulation GIS, Remote Sensing,
and Survey". J.T. Ritchie, J.A. Andresen, and D.P. Lusch. April 1996-September
1997, $80,000.
Michigan Department of Agriculture," Customized Weather
Information in Support of the Michigan Department of Agriculture's1996
Gypsy Moth Suppression Program." J.A. Andresen. April 1996-August 1996,
U.S. Dept. Of Energy, National Institute for Global Environmental Change, Midwest Regional Center. "Maximum and Minimum Temperature Variations in a Perturbed Climate and Implications for Specialized Agriculture in the Great Lakes Region. Year 2: Comparison of Daily Simulations from Several Different Global Change Models." J.A. Andresen and J.A. Winkler, Principal Investigators. July 1995 - June 1996, $70,851.
Michigan Department of Agriculture," Customized Weather
Information in Support of the Michigan Department of Agriculture's Gypsy
Moth Suppression Program." J.A. Andresen. April 1995-August 1995, $2628.
National Science Foundation, Geography and Regional Science Foundation." Upgrade of Climatological Laboratory Facilities at Michigan State University." J.A. Winkler and J.A.Andresen, Principal Investigators. September 1994 - August 1995, $17,000 (plus $17,000 Michigan State University match).
U.S. Dept. Of Energy, National Institute for Global Environmental
Change, Midwest Regional Center. "Maximum and Minimum Temperature Variations
in a Perturbed Climate and Implications for Specialized Agriculture in
the Great Lakes Region." J.A. Winkler and J.A.Andresen,Principal Investigators.
July 1994 - June 1995, $74,687.
Michigan Department of Agriculture," Customized Weather
Information in Support of the Michigan Department of Agriculture's Gypsy
Moth Suppression Program." J.A. Andresen. July 1994-June 1994, $2400.
Cherry Marketing Institute, Inc., "Specialized Weather
Information for the Michigan Cherry Industry." J.A. Andresen and F.V. Nurnberger.
June 1994-May 1995, $6680.
U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture Special Fruit Practices Grant.
" A Weather, Disease, and Insect Forecasting System for Management of Fungicide
Residue on Cherries." A. Jones, J.A. Andresen, J.A. Flore, and J.W. Johnson.
Part of "Safeguarding the Supply of Specialty Crops for Consumers", J.A.
Flore, Principal Investigator. July 1994 - June 1996, $180,000.
NATO Grants for International Collaboration in Research.
"Extreme Climate Events Under a Perturbed Climate: Impacts in Agriculture."
J.P. Palutikof, Project Coordinator, and J.A. Winkler, Principal Investigator.
Co-Investigators: J.A. Andresen, C. Goodess, J.R. Harman, and F.V.Nurnberger.
March 1992 - March, 1994, $7,000.
Grants (intramural):
Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station. "Climatological
Variability in Micnhigan: A Search for Changes and Trends". J.A. Andresen
and J.R. Harman, principal investagiators. September 1996 - June 1997,
Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station. "Climatological Characteristics of the Spring Warm-Up in the Central and Eastern United States." J.R. Harman and J.A. Andresen , principal investigators. September 1995 - May 1996, $17,500.
Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station. "Climatological Characteristics of the Spring Warm-Up in the Great Lakes Region." J.A. Andresen and J.R. Harman, Principal Investigators. September 1994 - May 1995, $17,500.
Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, "Low Temperature
Risk in Fruit-Growing Areas of the Great Lakes. J.A. Andresen, J.R. Harman,
F.V. Nurnberger, and J.A. Winkler. September 1993 - May 1994, $17,500.
Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, "Low Temperature
Risk in Fruit-Growing Areas of the Great Lakes: Climatology and Prospects
in a Changing Global Climate". J.A. Andresen, J.R. Harman, F.V. Nurnberger,
and J.A. Winkler. September 1992 - May 1993, $17,500.
Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, "Diurnal Climatology
of Agriculturally Important Weather Variables in Michigan". J.A. Andresen,
F.V. Nurnberger, J.R. Harman, and J.A. Winkler. February 1992 - February
1993, $3,320.
Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, "Springtime
Cold Damage to Fruit Trees in Michigan". J.A. Andresen, J.R. Harman, F.V.
Nurnberger, and J.A. Winkler. January 1992 - May 1992, $17,508.
Service and Outreach Activities:
Supervisor, MSU Agricultural Weather Office, 1991-present.
Co-Director, Michigan Automated Weather Network, 1993-present.
Committee Member, American Meteorological Society's Committee
on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. (1993-present; current term ends
Cooperating Researcher for Michigan, NC-94, USDA/CSRS
regional research committee, 'Weather and Climate Research for Agricultural
Decision Making in the North Central United States' (1992- present).
Daily columnist, participant for MSU Crop Advisory
Team Alerts (during growing season), 1991- present.
Featured speaker or lecturer at more than 40 events across
the state of Michigan, 1991-present.
Bi-Monthly columnist, Michigan Farm Bureau News,
Monthly columnist, Michigan Farmer, 1992-present.
Monthly columnist, Michigan Farm and Country News, 1997-present.
Weekly columnist, MSU College of Ag. and Natural Resources
Rapid Information Delivery Team,1995- present.
Administrator, Agricultral Weather Menu on MSU Extension
CEENET (Cooperative Extension Network), 1991-present.
Administrator, MSU Agricultural Weather World-Wide Web
Home Page (http// , 1995-present (page currently
under construction).
Committee Member, MSU Dept. Of Geography Outreach Committee,
Committee Member, MSU Dept. Of Geography Computer Committee,
Member, MSU Ag. and Natural Resources Fruit Industry Committee,
Developer,Specific Minimum Temperature Forecast (for ag.
sites within Michigan) for National Weather Service Forecast Office, White
Lake, MI, 1994-1995.
Regular Contributor, Michigan Agricultural Statistics
Service Crop-Weather weekly, 1995.
Instructor and Developer, MSU Extension Short Course,
"Weather Prediction in Michigan: A Forecaster's Perspective" (with cooperation
from the National Weather Service), 1994.
Invited Participant, United Nations Food and Agriclutural Organization Expert Consultation on the Coordination and Harmonization of Databases and Software for Agroclimatic Applications, Rome, Italy, December, 1993.